The Azure DevOps PowerShell Module

PowerShell Module for interacting with Azure Dev Ops

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  -Id <long>
  -UpdatedWorkItem <WorkItem>
  [-OriginalWorkItem <WorkItem>]


Takes a work item as input, compares it to the work item on the server, generates, and sends a patch file to update all changed properties of the work item provided.


$wi = Get-AzureDevOpsWorkItem -Id 123456
$wi.fields."Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority" = 3
Update-AzureDevOpsWorkItem -Id $wi.Id -UpdateWorkItem $wi

$wi = Get-AzureDevOpsWorkItem -Id 123456
$origionalwi = Get-AzureDevOpsWorkItem -Id 123456
$wi.fields."Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority" = 3
Update-AzureDevOpsWorkItem -Id $wi.Id -UpdateWorkItem $wi -OriginalWorkItem $origionalwi



The Id of the workitem in the project your currently working on.

Type: long
Position: Named
Default Value: None
Accept Pipeline Input: False
Accept Wildcard Characters: False


The updated version of the work item that you want to save in Azure Dev Ops

Type: WorkItem
Position: Named
Default Value: None
Accept Pipeline Input: False
Accept Wildcard Characters: False


The work item in its current state in Azure Dev Ops. This must be unmodified from the version stored in Azure or the update may not go as planned

Type: WorkItem
Position: Named
Default Value: None
Accept Pipeline Input: False
Accept Wildcard Characters: False